The focused shock wave in the treatment of trigger points
Trigger points are local muscle spasms that can also cause what is known as distant pain. The patient repeatedly complains of pain in one area of the body, which can sometimes radiate sharply. Entire "muscle chains" are often sabotaged by trigger points, which can lead to repeated overloads and discomfort.
Focused shock wave therapy is used for all myofascial complaints in the musculoskeletal system:
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Shoulder pain/calcified shoulder
- Tennis elbow / golfer’s elbow
- Pelvic pain / hip pain
- Foot pain/ heel spur
- Joint wear / arthrosis
Matrix therapy, acupuncture or pressure techniques are suitable for treating superficial trigger points. However, trigger points located deep in the muscles are difficult to reach in this way. It is precisely here, in the deep neck, torso or leg muscles, that the focused shock wave closes an important gap in the treatment of muscle imbalances.
We have two state-of-the-art focused shock wave devices in our practice. These devices concentrate healing energy as if through a magnifying glass at the required tissue depth. The trigger points are first stimulated - the radiation from the point is noticeable - and then dissolved.
The principle of the focused shock wave
is based on the generation of high-energy body sound waves that are precisely bundled at a pre-set depth. This can, for example, dissolve calcifications in tendons. The focused shock wave has also proven to be very effective in the treatment of myofascial trigger points.
In contrast, with radial shock waves, the sound waves are not bundled and penetrate the muscle diffusely. Radial ESWT sends pressure waves across the body close to the surface of the body. This makes it similar to a massage. It is often used to treat muscular tension.