CMD - Craniomandibular Dysfunction
CMD refers to a dysregulation of the interaction between the jaw, skull and muscles. The jaw joint is one of the most complex joints in the body, as it can perform both a hinge movement and a sliding movement. It is supplied and moved by cranial nerves, which underlines its importance for our nervous system. Craniomandibular dysfunction can cause numerous symptoms, of which teeth grinding, head and neck pain, discomfort and crooked posture are just a few.
Not only the height and position of the teeth play an important role for the jaw joint, but also tensions in the entire postural system can put a strain on its function.
A very important factor for CMD, in addition to tooth position, is the tension patterns of the short neck and jaw muscles. In cases of long-term jaw dysfunction, they often show myofascial trigger points, which hinder the success of other therapy concepts such as splints.
For us, CMD therapy always includes the use of very gentle, precise shock wave therapy, with which we resolve these patterns and then use matrix treatment to harmonize the muscles with each other again.
We work together with dentists and orthodontists and, in addition to muscle treatments, we also use osteopathic techniques, NIT and, if necessary, orthomolecular treatment and acupuncture to support the recovery of the joint region.
The FMD muscle test helps us to identify which treatments are needed in each individual case and at which point in the craniomandibular system.
Body misalignment can either descend from top to bottom (eg due to CMD) or build up from bottom to top. In this case, the jaw plane becomes misaligned first - this is followed by a compensating movement of the shoulders, to which the pelvis reacts with a compensating misalignment.
Symptoms can appear at many points of the misaligned body posture due to the tension. In the case of a so-called ascending disorder, a pelvic misalignment continues upwards to the jaw joint.
A great help for differentiation and thus therapy is the 3-dimensional spine measurement , in which we can show the effects of a jaw change (e.g. by biting on cotton rolls during the measurement) and a pelvic correction on the entire postural system.