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Only in recent years has the overwhelming importance of the digestive system for our health become the focus of medical interest. The composition of the bacterial colonization of the intestine - the so-called microbiome - plays a special role in the human immune system. Disorders of the microbiome are associated with numerous diseases. Dementia, Parkinson's disease, chronic pain, and skin, joint and sleep disorders are some examples for which a connection is being discussed.


First, it is important to understand what caused the disorder. The microbiome also depends on the performance of the organs involved in digestion:

  • stomach
  • pancreas
  • Bile.

If there is a weakness here, it must first be identified and remedied.

We work with special laboratories that can carry out various tests depending on the symptoms in order to determine the composition of the intestinal bacteria, digestive performance and other parameters.

Diet and the tolerance of food is a decisive factor for intestinal health. The laboratory gives us important information about the "digestive type" of our patients. Functional myodiagnostics helps us to classify the nervous system's reaction to different foods. Another important point concerns the function of the nerves that control transport in the intestine: among them, the vagus nerve plays an important role. The vagus nerve

is a so-called "cranial nerve". It originates in the brain and then runs down into the abdominal cavity. On its way, it gives off numerous nerve branches through which it controls the organs. We analyze the function of the vagus nerve with the VNS analysis and can select the appropriate treatments in the event of a malfunction.

These can be osteopathic techniques along the course of the nerve, for example on the skull, but also on the spine. Vitamins or infusions that strengthen the vagus nerve can also be helpful together with special exercises.

The intestines are supplied with blood vessels and nerves via the peritoneum, and the lymph is also transported away via this. If there is tension and cramping in this so-called "mesentery", the lymph cannot drain properly. For this reason, treating the abdomen with matrix therapy is always an important part of the treatment for us in order to normalize lymph drainage and relieve tension in the abdominal organs and the back.

In addition to acupuncture, depending on the severity of the disorder, the administration of preparations to promote healthy intestinal bacteria may be considered.


In many people, the mechanisms described not only disrupt the microbiome, but also cause a loosening of the mucous membrane cells that seal the intestine. As a result, food components, such as certain proteins, can now "switch sides" unhindered and make the body ill.


Private Medical Practice
Dr. med. Martin Brunck 
Dr. med. Simone Maack 

Königstraße 53 | 30175 Hannover
Phone: 0511.69 65 65 1 


Internal Medicine

Chiropractic / Acupuncture

Medical Osteopathy (DO-DAAO) (EROP)

Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK of ICAK USA)

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