The balance of the autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls the functions of all organs in our body. The balance of its components (sympathetic and parasympathetic) is a very important factor for our health and the performance of our immune system.
By analyzing the changing intervals between our heartbeats, computer programs can now be used to determine the balance of the autonomic nervous system very precisely and to design appropriate therapy concepts, including exercise programs.
The VNS analysis gives a clear indication of the extent of exhaustion and the function of the vagus nerve.
"High HRV is generally considered to be an indication of a healthy heart and is associated with mental health, higher quality of life and a strong immune system."
Normally there should be a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems - you could also say between accelerating and braking. However, many people in our society are under constant stress. The causes are only partly in our environment. Often it is internal factors that trigger permanent stress. Incompatible foods, pain, joint blockages, incorrect training can be major causes of a disturbed balance.
The VNS analysis can be used to measure the balance and determine the reserves of the autonomic nervous system. Based on the results, a concept of targeted treatments and exercises is developed that will restore health.
The VNS analysis is divided into two parts:
A "resting measurement"is carried out for a duration of around 5 minutes. This is followed by a further measurement for 3 minutes, during which a guided breathing frequency is specified.
This allows the ability of the autonomic nervous system to regulate itself to be tested. The higher the level of exhaustion of the person, the lower the ability of the autonomic nervous system to regulate itself to become.
The measurement parameters are very suitable for monitoring the progress of treatment measures.