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Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a holistic examination and therapy method based on the manual testing of muscles ("functional myodiagnostics"). AK enables the strategic search for triggers for recurring complaints. The cause is often far removed from the symptom and there are complex interrelationships between the areas of structure (muscles and joints), biochemistry (e.g. metabolic problems, allergies or environmental toxins) and psyche (e.g. emotional causes such as stress or mental trauma). The method is used by doctors of all disciplines, dentists, physiotherapists and other therapists.


Private Medical Practice
Dr. med. Martin Brunck 
Dr. med. Simone Maack 

Königstraße 53 | 30175 Hannover
Phone: 0511.69 65 65 1 


Internal Medicine

Chiropractic / Acupuncture

Medical Osteopathy (DO-DAAO) (EROP)

Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK of ICAK USA)

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