

Bioresonance therapy ( BRT) is used in complementary medicine for chronic health disorders. We classify bioresonance as a special meridian therapy, like acupuncture. We have had good experiences with this method. It has proven to be particularly helpful for us in the treatment of allergies, but also for dental foci and other chronic inflammatory disorders of the immune system, as well as in abdominal treatment. For this reason, bioresonance is a valued part of our repertoire.


Private Medical Practice
Dr. med. Martin Brunck 
Dr. med. Simone Maack 

Königstraße 53 | 30175 Hannover
Phone: 0511.69 65 65 1 


Internal Medicine

Chiropractic / Acupuncture

Medical Osteopathy (DO-DAAO) (EROP)

Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK of ICAK USA)

Service Eng