Online appointment booking

Here you, as our  patient, have the opportunity to book an appointment for individual treatment options:

  • Fascia Matrix Therapy
  • Infusions
  • Oxygen altitude therapy.

Doctors' appointments cannot be booked here.

As a new patient please contact us by phone. You can make an appointment at 0511.6965651.

Rescheduling appointments is not possible on this portal.

And this is how it works:

  1. Select the desired treatment as the appointment type (matrix, infusion or oxygen altitude therapy).
  2. Click on your desired date highlighted in green.
  3. Available times on the selected day are shown in blue – select.
  4. Enter your personal data in the fields provided and confirm the privacy policy.
  5. Send the appointment request.

Please note that the booking is only valid after confirmation by us.


Private Medical Practice
Dr. med. Martin Brunck 
Dr. med. Simone Maack 

Königstraße 53 | 30175 Hannover
Phone: 0511.69 65 65 1 


Internal Medicine

Chiropractic / Acupuncture

Medical Osteopathy (DO-DAAO) (EROP)

Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK of ICAK USA)

Service Eng